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Want to be Insured? Let's Understand This First!

Life Insurance is NOT saving any protection benefits.
Life Insurance is PROTECTION. Life Insurance is of many kinds. We focus on the most aggressive life insurance products echoed by insurance agents and most sought after by customers of Unitlink life insurance.

Unitlink Life Insurance at Allianz Syariah is known as Tapro Syariah. Tapro is an acronym of Tjungan and PROteksi. The acronym is to help Allianz's prospective customers make it easy and differentiate Unitlink products from Allianz with Unitlink products from other insurance companies.
Let's straighten out the insights of unitlink life insurance. NOT: saving the benefits of protection. BUT: the existing protection value of its investment.
What's the difference? Kan just behind the sentence?

If we understand insurance as a saving activity that there are benefits of protection, then our main goal is WISH there is funds that can be taken. Of the funds / premiums deposited each month 500 thousand, then in 12 months there will be funds 6 million. So we can take less than 6 million. Oh, I see?
If you still adhere to an understanding of insurance like this, please forgive, you will be disappointed.

Unitlink Life Insurance is a PROTECTION of its investment value. If we understand the definition of unitlink life insurance like this, then you will be able to focus on the benefits of maximum protection for you and your family. The function of insurance is: protect your income from bad financial impact.

That is to keep your income is not disturbed and the dream of a beautiful and prosperous future can still be realized, in case of disaster to yourself. Your income is safe / intact, your family is not disturbed, can still live a decent life even though critical illness hit you.

The cash value (investment) function in unit-linked insurance is:
1. Paying the insurance fees This is the basic function of the investment element in unit link. Unit link insurance costs include acquisition costs (charged in the first 5 years), administration, tabarru or cost of insurance, and investment management fees.

 2. Make a premium to be flat On unit link, we initially pay a premium greater than the cost of insurance. But this will alleviate us in the future, because the value of the investment formed will pay the insurance costs so that the premium becomes flat (fixed, not up) until the end of the contract period. (An example of using this function can be seen at 355 Thousand Per Months Can UP 1 M, Wanna?)

3. Shortening the premium payment period With the element of investment that serves to pay for insurance costs, then the payment period could be shorter. By setting the basic premiums and top ups appropriately, the unit link pay period can be planned for just 10 years. Further protection will continue along with the development of investment value.

4. Develop funds As with any other investment, investment in unit link is also a form of fund development to grow multiply from the initial capital. If the unit link is intended to develop funds, then the top up premium allocation should be enlarged. 

In unitlink insurance, there is such thing as acquisition costs, and this takes place within the first 5 years. In Tapro Syariah products, here is the detail: Acquisition and maintenance costs (deducted from the baseline premiums, top ups are not calculated). Year 1: 75% Year 2: 40% Year 3: 15% Year 4: 7.5% Year 5: 7.5% Year 6 ff: 0% Total: 145%   

As for the investment, here's the details: Allocation of investment (calculated from the base periodical premium) Year 1: 25% Year 2: 60% Year 3: 85% Year 4: 92,5% Year 5: 92.5% Year 6 ff: 105.26%

When you want to insure, return to the insurance purposes are: Protection. Please discuss with your agent that you need maximum protection at an affordable premium.

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