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Want to quickly get rid of acne but afraid and expensive? There are ways to get rid of acne that is not harmful because it has acne on the face is not good. Taking antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, and erythromycin may reduce redness, but it will take days to see results.
Acne is a disease that affects the oil glands in the skin. Small holes in the skin (pores) connected with oil glands under the skin. This gland makes an oily substance called sebum. The pores are connected to the gland by a channel called the follicle
How to get rid of acne overnight? There are mask products that can be made naturally there are also factory-made that can guarantee how to get rid of acne naturally within 1 day only. However, homemade products you can try at the beginning, because more hygienic and certainly more friendly in the pocket.
Here's how to naturally remove acne.

1. Ice Stone

ice cubes How to get rid of blushing pimples, the fastest is with ice. Use a cloth to hold some new ice and place it on the infected face. Let stand for a few minutes. Repeat until redness decreases. Make sure you do not press too tight, because it can hurt the acne and cause the bacteria to attack the part.

2. Soda Cake

Soda cake or so-called baking soda is not only used as a pastry ingredient, you can make it to remove acne on your face. In addition to regular acne, using a baking soda mask can also be a way of eliminating acne stone naturally and quickly. Soda cake has the benefit of being able to be a pH balancing of the skin to prevent acne. Not just balancing, baking soda can also be antiseptic and anti-inflammatory to cure persistent acne.
The trick is very easy, just follow these steps:
• Simply mix 2 tablespoons baking soda with water until thickened.
• Before applied to the face, you are advised to wash face first, so that face clean.
• Apply baking soda to the face evenly.
• Wait 15 minutes and then wipe with warm water.
After applying a mask of baking soda on your face, your face can be quite dry. Therefore you can wear a facial moisturizer afterwards.

3. Avocado and Honey

Avocado is rich in vitamin E that can penetrate skin pores so it can relieve skin inflammation. While honey contains hydrogen peroxide which is anti-bacterial. The combination of these two ingredients is also able to be a way to remove acne scars naturally and quickly. The way to use it is quite easy. Take half of the avocado, mash until smooth, add 1 tbsp honey. Apply on a clean face. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

4. Toothpaste Without Mint

Toothpaste is one of the drugs often mentioned in overcoming redness on acne. This works because the toothpaste contains silica, which helps dry out the acne. However, you should not use toothpaste containing menthol or flouride. This material not only irritates the skin but also causes more acne.

5. Orange Peel

Not only the meat, orange peel was also has many health benefits. Orange peels contain high levels of vitamin A and C, flavonoids, and antioxidants. Thus the orange peel can shrink the open pores, remove stains and also remove dead skin cells so it can refresh the dull skin. The trick is to first dry the orange peel in the sun. Then mash until smooth. Combine with enough water. Apply on face. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

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