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5 Signs of Carbohydrate Deficiency

Many people think that carbohydrates are one of the causes of being overweight. Therefore, many people who do carbohydrate diet, even avoid it altogether to lose weight. In fact, the body still needs the intake of carbohydrates as an energy booster. Here are five signs your body lacks carbohydrates.

1. Breath Odor

The goal of a low-carbohydrate diet is to burn fat into energy, although most dietitians agree that this diet does not cause long-term weight loss. When the body burns fat, the body does so by a process called ketosis, which releases chemicals called ketones. Unfortunately, this ketone has an unpleasant odor and often comes out through the breath. The bad news, for those of you who run low-carb diet, this diet is not healthy for your mouth, so everything done like brushing your teeth, cleaning your teeth, and brushing your tongue might not be enough to overcome this.

2. Frequent Falling During Sports

When physically active people do not get enough carbohydrates, the body will use proteins to perform the necessary muscle functions, including building muscle, this is why carbohydrates are often referred to as "protein partners". Filling the body after exercise with carbohydrate conditions that have been burned, will speed up recovery and the body will feel better welcome routine to be done tomorrow.

3. So Forgetful

Often suddenly forgot to put a key or a cell phone? Just like the body, the brain also needs carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose for energy. And when the brain does not get the required glucose, it's hard for the brain to work at its maximum. A small study in 2008 found that women who underwent low-carbohydrate diets had a poor grade while undergoing a series of memory tests than women who underwent a low-calorie diet and balanced nutrition. Then, when women with low karbo again consume more karbo? Their brains return to normal functioning.

4. Easy To Get Angry

People who follow a consistently low-carb diets report feelings that are more sensitive, stressed, and tired, even if they lose weight. One reason may be that carbohydrates are very important for the body to produce serotonin, a hormone in the brain responsible for boosting morale.

But, according to a study in 2009, low-carb diet when compared with low-fat diet is also less fun. The study addressed 106 people with obesity and overweight who underwent a low-carb or low-fat diet for a year. While people from both groups who underwent a diet lost weight, those with low-carb diet reported poor mood swings over time, while the mood of people on lower-fat diets was better, as reported in Health.

5. Champters Is Not As Common

"One of the places to see the metabolic changes of the various diets that are undertaken is in your digestive tract," said Dr. Stephen Sondike, MD. Most likely, the change will manifest in the form of constipation, it could be because of low fiber in the carbo diet. Eating more high-fiber vegetables can help your digestion.

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